Friday, August 17, 2012

Last stay @ Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Kuala Lumpur

At last, buat jugak one entry for Mandarin Oriental Hotel which is located at Jalan Pinang, Kuala Lumpur. Suka2 hati je mix BM BI kan... Biar lah~ Later I improve okay... Ni kalau Ibnu dia suka la komen2 cakap kalau nak tulis BM,  tulis la BM full, kalau BI, biarlah full entry in BI. Kui3.. Takpa, biar la dia ngomel2, janji kita terus menulis. Hehehe...

My lasttttt stay at this rich-looking and luxurious yet traditional hotel (hamoihh..hehe), fully paid by Petronas. Because I know, most probably there will be no more outstation to KL for me, since I already plan for my resignation. Uhukssss~ So, ajak lah cik husband stay sekali. Sebaik dia tak kena outstation. Lately ni asyik outstaaaaaaaaaaaation je kerja... Bizi bebenor. Huhuhu.. Hehehe.. Layan pics~ Zasss~ :D

Bajet honeymoon free~ Gambar pintu pon ambil haaa....
Jemput masuk....
Muka sengal lepas tutup pintu taknak kasik orang masuk. Ceihh... Hehehe
Dia kasik kita katil 2 bijik sayang? Acano nih? Hehe..
Ruang tivi, mengadap katil
Nak ke bilik air
Dalam bilik air... Suka la semua marmar~ Hehe
Ruang kecil nampak luas bila ada cermin besar. #Gaya cakap macam Patrick# Hehe
Suka yang ni ja... Pantas zaassss~~ Bathtub kena tunggu2 lama malas~ Hahaha :p
Twin tower kebanggaan rakyat Malaysia... jadik view.. lupa nak snap malam punya view.. sure mantops~ hehe
Okay.... ini kalau kita telengkan kepala ke the other side... Hutan batu~

Nice hotel, free wifi internet~ Convenient dan selesa sebab dekat ja dengan KLCC. Sebelah je. Menapak selangkah 2 langkah daaahhh masuk ke area Parkson Suria tu.. Peluh takdan nak keluar sejentik pon. Hehehe.. :)

Olrites, that's all it! Sebelum ni sokmo stay sini, tapi tak terbuat entry nyerrr~ Takyah sembang aaarrr~~~ Kekekehhh :D

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Restaurant Al-Safina, Kijal Beach

This is our first time as a married couple to have our dinner here. To be specific, untuk berbuka puasa. It is a nice place for break fasting, if we plan to go for an Arabian foods. They have so many choices of nasi (rice) that come with their compliment dishes. I took so many pictures that day, but using Ibnu's phone because my battery went out flat. Great timing. Hoho.

Probably it is the only place in Kijal/Kerteh/Paka area in Terengganu that we could find that serves the Arabian foods. The foods taste good, the place is nicely decorate with a Middle Eastern style, the price is not that bad, and the location is quite romantic since it is very near to the beach. But u have to come here in the daylight, to see the beach. At night, the place will only be brighten up with the lights and dimes from the restaurant. :)

For Ramadhan buffet, or for any special occasion, u better call them and make your booking first! Else, u will just come here to find out that the place is full house. My words are based on my experience. Heheheh..

Their contact number : 09-8588239 / 012-2783015
Ramadhan buffet : RM 27.00 for adult / RM 17.00 for child

p/s: There is a surau provided here, but to me it looks like more of an office for the staffs, or the owner of this restaurant. Therefore for muslimah, u have to bring your own telekung but still it is not convenient enough. A big mosque located nearby which is more comfy for us to perform our solah. 

Enjoy the pictures I managed to capture before the phone went off, peeps~ :)

This is my last picture here (using my phone). Our first dishes. I'll try to make another continual entry for Al-Safina when I have the pictures from Ibnu's phone yaa~ InsyaAllah~

Nyummeyh! :)

Monday, August 13, 2012


Assalamualaikum, Hi dear,

Sedikit sentap. Terus menulis. 

Rezeki Allah itu luas, rezeki Allah itu pelbagai. Rezeki Allah kadangkala datang dalam bentuk yang tidak disangka-sangka. Tapi kadangkala jua ia tidak datang bila masa waktu itu kita sangat berharap rezeki itu datang. Mungkin belum tiba waktu yang sesuai. Allah Maha Mengetahui atas segalanya. Allah beri hanya yang terbaik buat hamba-Nya. Allah lebih mengetahui. 

Sedih? Bila rezeki yang diharap tidak datang? Memang. Sangat. Sangat sedih. Tambahan bila rezeki yang kita tidak sangka, rezeki itu yang acapkali datang. Tapi rezeki yang kita harap-harapkan, tidak jua kunjung tiba.

Banyak lagi yang perlu diperbaiki. Dalam diri. Itu saya sedar. Harapnya lepas ni, boleh sama-sama perbaiki diri, ke arah yang lebih baik. Ini memang satu tuntutan. 

Bersabarlah wahai hati. Redha.
Kadang Allah sembunyikan matahari, 
Dia datangkan hujan dan petir,
Kita tertanya ke mana hilangnya matahari, 
rupanya Allah nak hadiahkan kita pelangi.

Yours truly,

p/s: apa beza "sangka" dengan "jangka" ek? ke sama je?

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Permanent vs Contract

Salam, Hello everyone~

Actually saya betul2 dalam dilema sekarang ni. My current position is permanent, in PETRONAS, at Terengganu. I didn't wish to continue the long distance relationship a.k.a weekend husband/wife, hence I requested for a transfer. But when knowing that it gonna take another one & half year to get the transfer released, I opted for another last but not least option - start fresh, new job, at KL. Which means, I'll leave this company - for good. Besides the fact that we (my husband & I) tied to the marriage policy.

Pernah dengar tak marriage policy in PETRONAS? We're not allowed to marry among the staff, if we did, one of us need to resign. Cruel don't you think? Menafikan yang tersurat bahawa kitorang ni memang dok berjumpa sesama staff dalam PETRONAS. I'm not sure what are their reasons, but bet it's something huge lah kan. Else takkannnnn la diorang nk impose the clause tu dalam offer letter kannnn... Hmmm.

So, there I tried my best, sending resume to the manpower supply company. Alhamdulillah, got one interview and alhamdulillah, I passed it! HAPPY! is a contract position. Hmmm........
On one year contract basis pulak tu. Hmmmm..... But the total monthly income is BIG! Hmmm....
But it's contract, you know? Anything possibly happen, could happen. Hmmm..

The beauty to stay in PETRONAS, I got:
- Unlimited medical coverage, under ING insurance
- Yearly bonus <-- company bonus + performance bonus (last year, I got eight months bonus, but after minus the tax yang sebulan setengah tu..... macam 6 bulan setengah bonus je lah, but still - HUGE!)
- PERMANENT <-- this is important. Kalau cuti sakit lama2 (nauzubillah mintak simpang), but kalau cuti sakit lama2, kita tak expect la kot to received surat diberhentikan kerja..huhu
- All the exclusive layanan from the company to their staffs (contoh? latest - sampul duit raya..huhu. Contract yang bukan under HR, dia tak bagi tau.huhu)
- Yearly increment. Banyak okay.. Even kalau 10% tu, dah berapa ratus da tu.... It does make an obvious difference in the payslip.
- When traveling, we could take our MAS flight, stayed in 5* hotel, claims, meal allowances like macam banyak jugak, etc
- What else? Owh, the tainings! We could developed our expertise in a subject, join the trainings.. Good kan...
- What else what else... There could be more, but I stop here lah...

Now tengok company XXX in KL, which is also one of the major player in the oil & gas company. I was offered:
- Firstly of course, the extra XXL monthly income. Well, interesting.
- Another positive side of it, I could stay near to my dear husband & the family. I look at this something REALLLLY important. :)
- One more, it is near to my cik abey's working place - so we could go forth & back together everyday. Best best~~~ Hihihiiiii...
- The job will be more focused. Currently, I am looking at all scope of works - penat!
- ............. Is that it?? 
Hmmm... yang lain2 macam tak berapa best... setahun je contract. What if I didn't reach their expectations?? ;( What if my contract is not extended?? ;( No bonus, not sure about increment ada ke tak. Medical coverage pon sikit (sikit gila okay, I assume they pull more at the income, so medical jadik sikit. Dunno. I assume). But it's still okay, my cik abey's medical insurance can cover me... Seeeeeee, another beauty of PETRONAS. The ING insurance covers your spouse & your kids~ :) Another one, cuti in this contract position, dapat 14 hari je setahun. Kurang sehari dari PET. But traveling, I bet they won't allow you to take MAS, to stay in 5* hotel. Mesti dia nak sep kan~ Kasik "asal boleh" dah lah. Kan..... Eh, ke tak? Better ask my friends yang dah biasa working as contract. They must had knew better....

Okay lah, cukup di sini sahaja. Nanti serabuts pulaks pikirs lamas2... Huhu...

So, which one to go for?? 


Yours truly,

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Jangan tidur lagi, jangan tidur lagi... (ulang 50x) :p

Assalamualaikum, Hai~~

Malam ni memang purposely taknak tidur. Sebab..... takot terlepas sahur! Haha.. Cian cik abey datang jauh-jauh tapi nanti kalau terlajak tidur, tak ke nangis.. Saya pon dah masak da, simple2 ja.. Main buatttt sukahati tak ikut piawaian sebenar. Tak kesah la, janji bau sedap, and cik abey pon cakap "huiyoh, xpernah makan lagi ni macamni." Kekeke...

Nak tahu masak apa? Masak tomyam dan satu lagi lauk tak perrrrnah langsung saya buat sebelum ni, kita panggil ja - macam2 goreng kunyit & black pepper. Dalam tu, ayam ada, sausage ada, tempe pon ada. Kui3333... Takpa lah kan, janji boleh telan. Kan...... Nanti before start makan soq, nk goreng telur dadar. Menu wajibulghunnah ni telur dadar ni. Errrmmm, apa efek asyik makan telur selalu2 ek.. Gonna google that~

*Wondering apa mak masak arini yer....*

Well, next week will be a challenging week for me - I guess. Hopefully everything will be running justtttt smooth, and as per plan. And I hope, I've made the right decision. Sepenuh jiwa raga~ :)

p/s: Another friend tegur cakap saya memang sudah kurus~ Har har harrrrr~ Happy okayh. :) So memang berkesan la sangat2, efek pakai PB 8hours + consume lactolite daily + dibantu dengan puasa. Complete package~ Contact me for free consultation yaa~ :) Good nite!