Okayhhhh... Lately ni saya perasan yang saya selalu buat on-the-spot decisions. Were they because I was too nervous and instinctively did things that were not planned? Mungkin. Kan? Maybe it's normal, for me at least. Saya kalau menggelabah memang otak fikir lain, mulut cakap lain, hati cakap lain. Haaaa camtu la camtu. Complicatedkan things yang tak complicated. Tapi bukan purposely nak complicatedkannya. Semua jadik pon tetiba je. Tetiba terrrr-beli. Terrrrr-ambil. Terrrrr-decide. The (-)ve side of terrrrrr is : bad monitoring on cash-out flow. The (+)ve side of terrrr is : you settled things fast. No need to pening2 especially apabila masa memang mencemburui kita..
And yang paling terlatest, macam, biaq betoiiii is, beli emas kuning - untuk wedding. Lalu kedai emas Sri Pinang, saja2 nak usya nak mintak pamphlet nak tau promotion (as usual lah kan). Sebelum ni pergi Habib, Tomei, Poh Kong, tak terbuka pun hati. Mungkin ketika itu hati dan minda asyik bertelagah. Hati nak beli something yang macam chantekkkkkkk, wowiiii, kena dengan jiwa - which is whitegold diamond lah. Minda nak something yang boleh beli with tangible good value - which is of course yellowgold. Dung dang dung dang, in the end tak decide2. Tapi baru baru ni, hati dan minda bersatu. Mungkin tersatu di dalam kedai Sri Pinang. Sebab tu beli kat situ je last2. Hihi.
Yang happy, sebab dapat beli within cost yang dah di-plan. Dua benda lagi tau. Tu yang happy! Alhamdulillah. Although kita beli yellowgold, saya dah cukup happy dah. Sebab.....
1. Yellowgold ada value yang tinggi dalam pasaran. Whitegold sebaliknya. Kita tak tahu what will happen in future. So should try not to spend money on things yang kurang tangible valuenya.
2. Saya sudah ada whitegold diamond. Cincin tunang. Ni lagi satu kes, masuk2 kedai terus angkut. Later later baru sedar "Mahainyaaaaa". Sorry awak sob2. Cian awak. Hoho
3. Of course sebab yellowgold tu chantekkkkkk~ Simple ja. Sesuwei la dengan jiwa saya yang sememeh2 ni. Hihihi. We chose a ring and a bracelet yang comels~ Bracelet nice.. Ring tu pon simple. No diamond. But i love them both soooo much! TQ awak.... This time baru terasa wise-spending. Hihi. :)
4. Another form of investment. Seriously, last time it was like around RM180++ per gram, now already RM194 per gram. Next month? Next year? If nanti nanti baru nak beli harga mungkin akan naik so kita booking dulu.... :)
Bestnya Sri Pinang sebab... dalam market, emas priced at RM194/gram, tapi dia bagi RM190/gram. And siap ada potongan RM20 for harga upah above RM200. Boleh buat booking. Maksudnya, jika mahukan the items tapi tak dapat bayar full lagi. So, buatlah booking! U pay 50% on spot, another 50% boleh bayar dalam 3 kali within 3 months period. Ikut suka nak bayar habis on 2nd month or whatnot, its your call. Just, selepas 100% payment baru boleh ambil item item itu...
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Tomei's. Hampir hampir nak angkut this one, luckily out of stock. If not tak dapat la Sri Pinangkuu~ keke |
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Habib's. Nice jugak but takmau dah. Cukup la E-ring from sini... |
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Yang RM1,288 tu suka jugak. Simple ja. Suka suka. :) |
Hehe. Tapi no picture for Sri Pinang sebab tak ambil pon catalogue/pamphlet nya.. Tapi kalau nak yellowgold, kat situ cantik cantik... :D
Okay, till we meet again! Assalamualaikum!
errr.. betul ke awk more than happy ni??.. cam x pcaya je.. :P
ReplyDeletebetol laaaaa~ terharu ke ni?? kekekeke