I was made to understand that during the procedure that they spotted my rahim is having this extra layer of rahim tissue. He said that if the extra tissue is blocking the entrance to rahim, he would suggest me to undergo a surgery to remove it. But since the tissue is located at the above of rahim, so he said that it should not be an issue. However, as fated, it was accidentally scratched during the procedure, causing it to a non-stop bleeding. But the scratch was hardly seen by naked eyes. He controlled the bleeding by "blocking" it using a cotton/wool/i-don't-know, but doc took it out back before I was discharged from hospital.
Hmmm, I have no idea if the bleeding I'm having now is probably due to that. No idea. Only Allah knows. I pray that this is just another normal process that I have to get through, as a weak human-being. Plain normal. A bit scared. Coz I kept hearing people who have had experiences with the D&C or ERPOC, they said the bleeding will stop in just few days, considering that the rahim is totally "cleaned" out.
Dr Rama already advised me, shall I have an irregular pain on my stomach/in that area, let him know. Well, yes, I do doc. But I'm not sure if it can be categorized as irregular pain. In fact I always feel the pain every morning after wake up from sleep, that includes today's morning. I hope, I can only hope, that the pain is also normal.
I'm going to meet u soon by the way. Right? Next monday is just another five days to come. I can bear this insyaAllah...
Hmmm, when the situation seems a bit emotional to me, I just went for writing them down in english. Padahal english grammar vocab semua lintang pukang. Hmmm... Nothing is serious. Just relax and enjoy your days at home... Olrites~ Chow~
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