That's the name given.
Amina : Yang dipercayai
She was born on Nineth of October 2013, which makes her 4 months young ++ to-date.
Alhamdullilah, the first word I threw in operation theater after hearing her voice for the first time. She looked different (from now) back then. Soooo cute with mata cepet2 and soooo putih merah2. Macam anak cina. Fresh from the oven, they said. Now? Becoming even more cuter, big bright eyes, love making silly cute faces, and looking more like the parents. I think she got 50% of her father's gene and 50% mother's gene. Kecik2 dah pandai adil. Hihihi. :p
Hmm.. I miss blogging so much but I can no longer write entries in office. Wuwu. So here I'm using apps trying to post my first-after-so-long-silence entry using phone -- semangatttt.
So much to write about my beloved daughter. From the journey of giving birth to her by ceaserian, to that pantang cowboy period, to the whole new experience being new parents.
We'll see how. Hihi :)
1 comment:
Alahai tomey nya anak u..
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